
V- emoji-picker - Emoji Picker Vue.js Plugin #.\n\nv-emoji-picker is light-weight and entirely personalized Vue.js package for adding an emoji picker to your #vuejs venture utilizing emojis locals (unicode).\n\nGetting going.\nSetup.\n\/\/ anecdote.\nanecdote include v-emoji-picker.\nUtilization.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nor even Global.\nbring in Vue coming from \"vue\".\nbring in Application from \".\/ App.vue\".\n\nimport VEmojiPicker coming from 'v-emoji-picker'.\n\nVue.config.productionTip = misleading.\nVue.use( VEmojiPicker).\n\nnew Vue( \nmake: h =&gt h( App).\n ).$ place(\"

app").Props.) i18n!: Item.-|-|-|-random-}Events.pick: 'Em it activity on Selected Emoji',.changeCategory: 'Em it event on Improvement Category'.Utilizing customized Emojis.Array of items along with User interface IEmoji.interface IEmoji information: cord.type: cord.aliases: strand [].set in Prop customEmojis.Utilizing customized Groups.Array of products along with Interface ICategory.interface ICategory label: string.symbol: string.embeded in Prop customCategories.i18n.Set in Prop i18n a things along with framework of you custom interpretation:.const i18n = search: 'Pesquisar ...',.groups: Task: "Atividades",.Banners: "Bandeiras",.Foods: "Comida",.Regularly: "Frequentes",.Things: "Objetos",.Nature: "Natureza",.Peoples: "Pessoas",.Signs: "Su00edmbolos",.Places: "Locais".or bring in coming from locale/lang/$ youLangObs: Nonpayment foreign language is en-UK.Construct Emoji.Dimension.