
Vue- curler - Rolling Computer animation Vue 3 Part

.Liquid as well as smooth rolling animation for Vue.js.Try out here with your personal text message!Vue2 (heritage).npm i vue-roller@1.12.7.Vue3 (suggested).npm i vue-roller.system script.OR.src/main. ts (plugin).import VueRoller from "vue-roller".import "vue-roller/dist/style. css".createApp( App). make use of( VueRoller).worth (Required).Shows text.default-value.Sets the text to display when the web page is initial loaded (prior to the animation actually starts).Must be included in char-set."" through default.period.Specifies the amount of time for the animation to complete in millisecond( ms). 500 through nonpayment.char-set.
Prepares the listing of personalities utilized for the computer animation.Pre-programmed: number, alphabet.Default: number.Event: animation-end.Contact the activity in the end of the animation.